Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Weekly sump up!

Well sorry for lack of posts i was working 6 days straight last week and just had no time. Sp this weekly sum up is more over 2 weekish hehe.
So 2 weekends ago me and my partner went for a walk around Skipton in the sunshine, we grabbed an ice cream bought some treats and sat by the canal, that's where i saw the Sgt pepper canal boat. It is such a quaint little village with cute shops and nice areas and a typical old Yorkshire town! We then headed to keelham farm shop i  Skipton for tea which was amazing but a whole keelham post will come soon as its a go to place for me!
 A few days this week has involved me needing caffeine and Java Joe in Bradford is a go to the staff are lovely and the coffee and food are great!
This Sunday we went to see Jimmy Carr's love tour, it was so good, i had not been to see a comedian before and it didn't disappoint. He is just like how he is on the telly but more ride and offencive (in a good way) and i loved how he had audience join and and heckle etc. And you know every night he performs would be different because of this.

This week I'm on less hours so i am gonna get some posts up and get out and about!

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